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By using this website and or products, services, advice on this website, you agree to not hold me, us, BeWitchy or any of my affiliates/contractors liable for damages including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages that may occur from following the advice or ideas shared in my posts, newsletter, Facebook group, website groups, or website content, or with the use of any free or paid work that I share (blogs, podcasts, e-book, e-courses, private sessions, etc.). Information on this website is provided in a good faith effort to educate & help you improve your life and or lifestyle. However, each situation is different. Use your best personal judgement when making decisions based on things you read and see here.


All purchases are considered 100% non-refundable once the transaction is complete. Please refer to our refund policy page.


Terms of Use

All of the information provided on my website and the blog is a resource only and open to your own interpretation.

Whilst we hope you have a great time enjoying the content, you are responsible for what happens when you manifest and create what you read or hear into reality, from this website and any of its services. 

Free will determines how you choose to interpret and act upon the information/insight given in your reading and/or on my blog or any other of my publications/footage. Given anything could be taken out of context, that is not our intention & we aim to be as clear as possible.


Your Mental & Emotional Wellbeing & Rights to Refuse Service

If you are diagnosed or suspected to have a mental health illness or issue, you are obligated to verbally inform Madame Verveine before the reading service to determine if it is appropriate for you to have the reading at this time or whether it is better to reschedule the reading – more often than not, it will be totally fine to proceed but this open opportunity gives MV the chance to let you know if spirit does feels you should proceed or if you won’t be a good fit ie you will react badly to anything MV says, no matter how she says it. Some people do not cope with some of the information that comes over, so we should logically place where you are at. Whilst I will most certainly be told by spirit that you do have a mental illness, you MUST still tell me before commencement so that we are able to have an open and honest consultation with regards. You will be treated with the utmost respect.

If you choose to not disclose to MV, that you have a mental illness, which is your right to do so, she is legally permitted to refuse service – particularly if she feels it is putting you at further risk.

Mental Health Illness is not an excuse or reason for your service to be declined but in the case, simply put, that you might not cope with information coming through or are showing to not cope (getting angry, violent, rude, delusional, confused), it might be best to reschedule or conclude your service.


Our decision making is based purely on what is best for you. So for example if spirit suggested a reading may do more damage than good, we do need to act on that to protect you.


An example for a better understanding, where a client might not be a good fit for a reading service, is a client who can not remember anything said or remembers it very differently can be cause for concern. A client who may not be able to control their temper or a client who may fixate heavily and negatively on information that comes through, when it reality, it was nothing to worry about.


If Madame Verveine picks up or spirit tells her you have a mental illness or that we won’t be a good fit for ANY reason, she can and will, reserve the right to refuse service. In the case, MV refuses service because she does not feel you will both be a good fit, regardless of mental state, she can choose to refund your money but does not have to – particularly if consultation, booking and or service has already been entered into.


If you have serious health problems requiring the assessment and treatment of a licensed medical doctor, it is likely we will refer you to the relevant services, regardless of what is said during a reading or service from Spirit. We do not profess to be a lawyer, doctor or any other professional licensed practitioner but do have an obligation to express concerns and referrals to professionals in those fields.


MV has been known to help people become happier in their lives, after experiencing suicidal thoughts, however if you tell her during a reading that you have active suicidal thoughts, you should be aware, that MV is obliged to contact the relevant health/emergency services, regardless of insight given.


If you come to the reading very sceptical and closed off to the possibilities of the reading being accurate or working with MV, if you are coming to test me, spy on how MV works, or come with any bad intention, spiritual or otherwise, then it is likely we won’t be a good match, although MV has been known to turn many a sceptic around. In this regard, MV can and will have the right to refuse service.

MV also has the right to refuse service to any person that she has a bad feeling about or feels is wasting her time and energy with.

You also understand that Madame Verveine has the right to cancel any class or service and does not have to expose herself to threats, harm, uncomfortable situation or otherwise.


She can cancel with little notice and without refund to you, particularly in the case that you have made the situation uncomfortable and therefore made it impossible to follow through with a service or class.


Persons who are mentally or emotionally unstable or just showing abusive, aggressive and or violent behaviour and lay harassment (this includes emailing, phoning, texting in excess and unnecessarily) towards MV, staff member and or any contractor will be reported to the authorities. Authorities can include the Police and Magistrates Court, WA.


Copyright Policy

All work both creative, technological and intellectual on this site under the name Madame Verveine, Dirty, That Bomb Witch, The Sex Psychic, The Tarot Witch and L. Heslin is contracted under & performed for BeWitchy.


The work on this website is protected by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) Copyright License. You are free to share, copy and redistribute the material on this website as long as you follow these terms:

Provide Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.


Non-Commercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. EVER!


No Derivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

This license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.



You understand that BeWitchy are registered trademarks and that you must not use it’s name or reference of unless given specific authorisation. You understand that if you use anything even similar or pretend to be BeWitchy or similar you are liable for court actions and compensations etc.


You understand that BeWitchy trades Internationally and that it intends on extending it’s trademark Internationally.


Hold Harmless

As stated in the terms and conditions, all the information provided on our website, my blog, or in private and or group work with MV is for educational & entertainment purposes only – although readings and services are always conducted with the utmost integrity, professionalism, intent of accuracy and genuine gift. You can not sue me for any free will actions that you make or create or don’t do with the information/insight and services received. You can not blame MV if you have not taken advice 100%. If you deviate from advice given or refuse it entirely all outcomes and predictions are on you.


Talking to Spirits, just like talking to anyone at all ever, can be a risk – and it’s important that you are aware of that. Whilst Spirit has never failed MV or a client before, occasionally clients do not act out on advice given or do not act out in the way directed (the reading was open to your own interpretation and you may therefore misunderstand or refused to listen or understand a very clear perspective ie living in hope and refusing to listen to the truth).


Also, on rare occasions, you may only be given scenarios or paths based on certain free will or the free will of third parties. Not everything is set in stone and sometimes we are not meant to know every detail or final outcome because it could change your true path.

During most sessions, this will be explained.

Whilst you are in the presence of MV, all is done to ensure your safety, spiritually and otherwise, but you understand that you hold responsibility by entering into a service with Madame Verveine or any of my contractor/s or employees.


Privacy Statement

We definitely won’t be selling your personal information or placing you on some crazy spam list. If you sign up from my newsletter, you’ll get a minimum of one (1) email per week or fortnight for new blogs and then perhaps 1-2 others during the month when new events are released. That’s the absolute most. I do not share your information EVER.


Reserved Rights

While we don’t have any plans in place, we do reserve the right to change the focus of my website or any of it’s pages, shut it totally down and quit or change the terms of use at any time (making it paid to view, for example), or we may change hands, business names and that you are aware you need to check in on the website and it’s terms and conditions from time to time. We can do whatever we want, need to, whenever we please, without letting you know ie for example we recently change the Perth in store access to a "By Appointment Only".


Feedback Legalities & Confidentiality

Whilst we do preserve confidentiality, in the unlikely circumstances you give feedback we feel is untrue or not deserved ie you lie or twist the truth because you are angry at hearing something you didn’t want to hear, we reserve the right to show evidence to a Magistrate, Lawyer, Law Enforcement Officer to prove my innocence, the truth of details, the unfairness and have the right to sue you for damages to my name and business name and potential losses.


Feedback that impacts the income of the business is something we will definitely pursue and it is not hard to prove. We already know how to apply, where to apply and how much it will cost us and is something we take very seriously.


You understand that by making untrue statements ie something didn’t come into fruition and Madame Verveine definitely said it was going to, but the actual reading suggests otherwise, your reading is now null and void of confidentiality for the purpose of taking you in front of a Magistrate of the law of court in WA, Australia.


Also, readings are not confidential in the case where documents are requested by law or that you violate our contracts including NDA's ie leave negative reviews.


Privacy / Confidentiality of Service Content

Your service content is private, however you understand that your service content may be used as examples to other clients in an anonymous way ie we will never mention your name or reveal details that could identify you or your situation.

You also understand that we may use your service content in books, blogs, podcasts or otherwise but that you will remain anonymous.

You also understand that if your service content privacy becomes null and void in the case information is required by law.


Other items worth noting: You must arrive on time. If you are late, you only receive the portion of the booking that remains for the same cost - not discounted, if you were to have purchased the entire reading in 1 hit.

We can not unfortunately go over time if another client is waiting to come into their service and we will not go over time for free.


You can not go over time, unless there is time to do so and you will be charged accordingly to going over that booking time. 


WE HAVE A VERY STRICT BOOKING POLICY - All Bookings are FINAL> we do not cancel and we do not reschedule. The only option or chance for reschedules, is if Luan is unwell.  There are no exceptions to these rules.

If you are genuinely unwell and your booking pertains to a reading, you can have your reading as a video, phone, live typed chat or email reading.

Under no circumstances do we allow rescheduling. If you can not make your booking or have a contagious illness, you will not receive a refund or rescheduling and a contagious illness will mean you have an obligation to not attend your service.


Any agreeance of a possible rescheduling, due to your "contagious illness" is at the discretion of the owner but comes with the following clause "We will only allow 2 rebooking attempts. If for some reason we continue to not match up (where you have also declined offers of booking times) or come to a compromise, your service booking is null and void (without refund) and you will need to purchase another booking." This is applicable to all bookings, even where the booking or purchase was a gift.


You agree to the terms and conditions, contracts, non-disclosure's when you make a booking with us. IMPORTANT CONTRACT NOTICE: All booking clients will receive an email contract, that they must sign prior to their appointment. Failure to do so, may lead to refusal of service.


IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT RECORDING READINGS ***RECORDINGS: Recording (video or audio) a Reading Service is a privilege not a right. Madame Verveine will record all readings and if she permits you to have a copy for $99 you will be sent a payment link and the audio usually within 24-72hrs.


Sign up and find out!


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