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50 grams in a ziplock bag.


Yellow dock is a perennial plant known as a troublesome weed in fields across Europe, USA and southern Canada.


Its spindle-shaped, yellow taproot sends up a smooth, slender stem, one-to-three feet high.

Astringent, cholagogue, tonic.


Known as a medicinal plant since ancient times, yellow dock has been used as a laxative or mild astringent tonic.


  • Botanical Name

    Rumex crispus

  • Plant Part


  • Cut Size

    4-10mm natural

  • Organic Status

    Trade not-cert




Common Use: Naturopathy

Aroma: Earthy

Also known as: Curly Dock, Yellow Dock


Please note: All herbs sold on this site are provided as curios only. We make no claims as to their properties or suitability. We are not medical professionals, and we do not recommend ingesting or using for any medicinal purpose.

Yellow Dock Root

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  • Never use any herbs without first consulting a medical practitioner. Herbs can react with man made and other medical ailments. 

    Please note: All herbs sold on this site are provided as curios or only. We make no claims as to their properties or suitability. We are not medical professionals, and we do not recommend ingesting or using for any medicinal purpose.

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